- The Penetration Testing Execution Standard

Example domain paragraphs

The penetration testing execution standard consists of seven (7) main sections. These cover everything related to a penetration test - from the initial communication and reasoning behind a pentest, through the intelligence gathering and threat modeling phases where testers are working behind the scenes in order to get a better understanding of the tested organization, through vulnerability research, exploitation and post exploitation, where the technical security expertise of the testers come to play and co

This version can be considered a v1.0 as the core elements of the standard are solidified, and have been "road tested" for over a year through the industry. A v2.0 is in the works soon, and will provide more granular work in terms of "levels" - as in intensity levels at which each of the elements of a penetration test can be performed at. As no pentest is like another, and testing will range from the more mundane web application or network test, to a full-on red team engagement, said levels will enable an o

Following are the main sections defined by the standard as the basis for penetration testing execution:

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