- penina eilberg-schwartz

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Penina Eilberg-Schwartz is a writer and editor based out of the Bay Area, and the daughter of two very different rabbis. She is the managing editor at Ayin Press , and writes about literature, gender, noses, history, Ashkenazi Jewishness and wind. 

After studying History at Oberlin College, she trained in the facilitation of groups in conflict. As an Abraham’s Vision Fellow, she travelled to the Balkans with a group of American Jews and Palestinians to study the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through the comparative lens of Balkan history. She continued working on issues of justice in Palestine and Israel with the Rebuilding Alliance, the New Israel Fund, and IfNotNow. 

She is an alumnus of  LitCamp’s juried writer’s conference , the  Logan Nonfiction Fellowship  and the  Alley Cat Books writing residency . Her work has appeared in LitHub ,  The Rumpus , This Recording ,  sparkle + blink , All That’s Left ,  +972 Magazine , and on stage through  Quiet Lightning’s Under the Influence series .