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If you’re reading this, you likely wish that your penis was larger. It may not surprise you that the majority of men aren’t satisfied by the size of their penises. Why should people be content with average if there are ways to make a penis better than average? All of this begs the question: are there legitimate, proven ways to make a penis bigger? And if so, are they safe as well as effective? Will they break your bank account or are they affordable? How long will it take to enlarge your penis? Can you trus

The Jes-Extender™ was the first ever penis enlargement device using the proven non-surgical penis traction method. Originally used by doctors and plastic surgeons during post-op treatment, it became clear that its benefits are not only restricted to patients of penis enlargement surgeries. The penis traction device enabled any man to naturally grow his penis.

A penis extender is a device designed to stretch and enlarge the penis over a period of time. It works by applying traction to the penis, which stimulates the cells in the penis to replicate and grow, resulting in a longer and thicker penis. Penis extenders are typically worn for several hours a day over a period of several months to achieve the desired results. They are considered a safe and effective method of penis enlargement, as they do not involve surgery or the use of drugs. Penis extenders are also