- Certified Peer Specialists Career Outcomes Study

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We are now working on analyzing all the data we’ve collected, including looking at change over time. Currently you can read our findings on employment outcomes, wages and financial well-being, and predictors of burnout. These findings are based on data from the first survey that took place in 2020. We have published three research articles and have more on the way! We will make updates to the website as we discover new findings.

Laysha Ostrow, Principal Investigator, and Morgan Pelot, Study Lead and Research Program Manager, share findings of the CPS Career Outcomes Study for a webinar hosted by the National Association of Peer Supporters.

This resear ch study stays connected over several years with certified peer specialists to see what and how things may change after certification. It is unique in that we included people who completed a CPS credential but are working in other industries and jobs. Previous studies have focused exclusively on CPS who provide peer support services.