- Peak Life Acupuncture | Acupuncture Treatment | Chinese Medicine

Description: At Peak Life we use Chinese medicine and Acupuncture treatment to help paitients manage stress related diseases and to increase the quality of their lives.

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Whether the pain is from a recent injury, headache, migraine, arthritis, fibromyalgia, or general stiffness; acupuncture treatments will reduce the pain by interrupting the pain signals along nerve fibers, increase circulation to the area, release endorphins and stimulate the central nervous system to regulate neurotransmitters, and stimulate the body’s own healing response by stimulating immune system and regulating various functions in the body.

Traditional Chinese medicine considers various organ systems to determine the imbalances causing fatigue.   Treatments are aimed at strengthening metabolism, immune system, and digestion to bring the energy back up.

Through acupuncture treatments, we help to calm the mind and produce a relaxation response in the body by stimulating the release of endorphins.   Most patients feel so relaxed they even fall asleep during treatment and leave with a sense of deep calm, such rest assists to improve cognitive function and memory.   On the other hand; physical symptoms of stress such as muscle tightness, headaches, jaw clenching and anxiety are significantly reduced.