- National Committee on Pay Equity NCPE

Description: The National Committee on Pay Equity is a coalition of organizations and individuals working to eliminate sex- and race-based wage discrimination and to achieve pay equity.

keyword1 (3199) keyword2 (2979) nsw-slkic7uy0j1mld-dm3aldi8l2kf28wb9ns0yig3d1klm6oqi9pcxt-bhcmel (1)

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Here are the other Equal Pay Dates for 2023:*

NOTE: The date chosen does not represent the exact date on which these women "catch up" to men, but rather is a symbolic date close to the "catch up" date or to coincide with other advocacy events. The cents after each date gives the portion of a dollar earned by each group.

LGBTQIA Awareness Raising Day June 15** (no data)

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