- Matthijs van Leeuwen ~ Patterns that Matter

Example domain paragraphs

I am associate professor and director of education at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS), the computer science institute of Leiden University . I am group leader of the Explanatory Data Analysis group .

My primary research interest is exploratory data mining : how can we enable domain experts to explore and analyse their data, to discover structure and—ultimately—novel knowledge?

For this it is important that methods and results are explainable to domain experts, who may not be data scientists. My signature approach is to define and identify patterns that matter , i.e., succinct descriptions that characterise relevant structure present in the data. Which patterns matter strongly depends on the data and task at hand, hence defining the problem is one of the key challenges of exploratory data mining. Information theoretic concepts such as the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle

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