- Pastel Isartis

Description: No matter how much we may try to avoid it, our minds tend toward wishful thinking when it comes down to the issues of love and sex. Those thoughts are like…

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No matter how much we may try to avoid it, our minds tend toward wishful thinking when it comes down to the issues of love and sex. Those thoughts are like dreaming if only things were different, if only there were no obstacles between us, and if only we were closer. But only those thoughts matter if you take action. 

Know what you want out of life and relationships. Are casual hookups part of your plan, or do you prefer to date sexy escorts for a fantasy-filled night? Do your actions fit into what you want out of life right now? 

Or do your dreams feel like cheating yourself out of something more meaningful because society has told us that sex isn’t worth anything unless there’s an emotional connection involved?

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