- Paolo Pareti

Example domain paragraphs

Senior Lecturer in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Winchester

I am interested in AI research and applications, and in particular in the areas of knowledge graphs, natural language processing and machine learning. I have worked on processing natural language instructions, on merging sensor data and policies for health and safety monitoring, and more recently on data validation. Previously I was a Research Fellow at the University of Southampton, and before that I obtained my PhD from the University of Edinburgh. I have also worked with several industrial partners and I

12 June 2023 Our team was selected as semi-finalists for the Data Science competition Wellcome Ideathon 8 February 2023 Started a consultancy project on the subject of uncertainty modelling and provenance with graph databases. 15 June 2022 Our article Satisfiability and containment of recursive SHACL was published in the Journal of Web Semantics. 13 June 2022 Delivered an invited seminar at the AIAI institute of the University of Edinburgh. 30 March 2022 Achieved Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (