- Environmental Inspection, Monitoring, and Training | Biological Surveys and Monitoring | Stormwater (SWPPP)| Pangea Biological

Description: Pangea provides environmental compliance monitoring, inspection, and training, stormwater (SWPPP) inspections, biological surveys and monitoring, mitigation planning, constructability reviews, CEQA and NEPA planning and permitting, and regulatory consultation for the energy and infrastructure sectors. Pangea supports the energy, utility, and infrastructure sectors including utilities, construction companies, engineering firms, and federal agencies.

energy (6135) water (5896) solar (5120) gas (5005) sustainability (3544) electric (2642) environmental (1913) wind (1088) telecom (1070) swppp (57)

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Pangea Biological is a leading environmental consulting firm that specializes in providing comprehensive program management, environmental compliance monitoring and inspection, environmental training, constructability reviews, third-party monitoring, cultural resources surveys and testing, biological monitoring, and aquatic resource surveys. We also offer avian nest surveys, Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping and data analysis, planning and permitting, plan development, regulatory strategy, and mit

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