p-rr-tt.org.uk - Home - The P*rr*tt Society

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The P*rr*tt Society is a registered one-name genealogical society for those interested in the study of the family origins of the names Perrott, Perrett, Parrett, Parrot, etc.

Members of the Society receive the quarterly Family Notes journal and have access to the Society’s considerable research data. These pages are updated regularly with Society news as well as information likely to be of interest to researchers on the world-wide web. New members are always welcome and membership details are given on these pages.

The P*rr*tt Society, covering all spellings of the name, was officially inaugurated in April 1984. The formation of the Society was a direct result of the publication by George Perrett in 1983, of his book In Search of Perretts . Mr Peter Perrett of Crowborogh, East Sussex was instrumental in establishing the Society and was the Secretary for many years.