oyumgblog.com - O-YUM-G

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I know that things have been quiet here at O-YUM-G, but it's our 4th Anniversary, and that calls for a celebration with a new post and a new resolve to post more in the coming year!

This year, I've had the opportunity to host a small group of people from my church for a Lenten Bible study.  We meet every Saturday morning and I provide a breakfast for them each week, ranging from the classics like pancakes and eggs & bacon to the more exotic fare of casseroles and bread puddings. 

Since it's St. Patrick's Day, I thought I'd do something special and make an Irish(ish) breakfast.  After searching for what is traditionally included in an Irish breakfast (eggs, bacon/sausage, baked beans, grilled tomatoes) and determining that that wasn't quite what I was in the mood for, I came across something called "Bubble & Squeak".  With a name like that, how could you not be tempted to find out more?  Well, it's basically a hash made with leftover vegetables and mixed together with mashed potatoes