ovpnconfig.com.br - Mikrotik OpenVPN Config Generator - connect your ovpn client

Description: Looking for how to configure OpenVPN on Windows / Linux using a Mikrotik server? Mikrotik OpenVPN Config Generator will help you generating .ovpn file to connect your client with just a few clicks!

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Looking for how to configure OpenVPN on Windows / Linux using a Mikrotik server? Mikrotik OpenVPN Config Generator will help you generating .ovpn file to connect your client with just a few clicks!

Having OpenVPN server on your router is a niftyfeature. However, as often with Mirotik, not all is straight forward. This guide is going to assume you are to enter commands into the New Terminal window from WinBox. That way I will simply repeat commands needed instead of going through the screens. Commands are actually quite descriptive and easy to “translate” into GUI actions if that is your preference.

Prerequisite for any VPN server is to get certificates sorted. For OpenVPN we need main Certificate Authority, server, and client certificate. Yes, strictly speaking, client certificate is optional but let’s not skimp on security.