ouralexander.org - OurAlexander.org

Description: A review of the medical literature concerning the treatment of medulloblastoma, the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy, the lack of freedom to choose the most effective therapy to save your child's life, and vaccination as a possible cause of the increasing rates of pediatric cancers.

chemotherapy (162) brain tumor (91) brain cancer (52) pediatric cancer (49) pediatric brain tumor (6) medulloblastoma (5) pnet (5) chemotherapy side effects (4) ucla medical center (1) university california los angeles (1)

Example domain paragraphs

“First do no harm ” "Primum non nocere" — Hippocratic Oath

e have created this website to tell our son's story and to share with other parents the information we have found about pediatric brain tumors and about childhood vaccinations. This information is designed to help parents exercise informed consent and make intelligent decisions regarding their child's health, especially when their child has cancer. For us, this information represents what we wished we had found when we feverishly searched for information on pediatric brain tumors in the fall of 1998.

While we focus on cancer and chemotherapy, we also discuss childhood vaccinations because there is substantial medical literature to suggest a potential link between vaccines and the rise of various cancers including brain tumors in children.

Links to ouralexander.org (5)