osteopathiccentre.co.uk - Leominster Osteopaths | The Osteopathic Centre

Description: Effect Treatment For Back Pain, Neck Pain, Sciatica, Sports Injuries And More | Leominster Osteopath Clinic | Get In Touch Today!

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Techniques used at our practice include soft-tissue work (massage), manipulation and also cranio-sacral osteopathy (sometimes known as cranial osteopathy) and are selected based on the needs of the patient.

The most predominant difference is that Chiropractors will focus mainly on the spine whereas Osteopaths take a more holistic approach and concentrate on the whole body. Osteopaths will also treat a wider range of ailments including respiratory and digestive problems.

Another key difference lies in the method of treatment. Osteopaths utilise a wider range of techniques while Chiropractors routinely just perform spinal adjustments. Chiropractors are also the more ‘joint focused’ of the two professions.

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