opi-gpio.readthedocs.io - OPi.GPIO — OPi.GPIO: Orange Pi Zero RPi.GPIO compatibility library 0.3.5 documentation

Example domain paragraphs

OPi-GPIO is a drop-in replacement library for RPi.GPIO for the Orange Pi Zero. Only the basic GPIO functions are replicated, using sysfs: this allows the GPIO pins to be accessed from user space.

Pull requests (code changes / documentation / typos / feature requests / setup) are gladly accepted. If you are intending to introduce some large-scale changes, please get in touch first to make sure we’re on the same page: try to include a docstring for any new method or class, and keep method bodies small, readable and PEP8-compliant. Add tests and strive to keep the code coverage levels high.

The source code is available to clone at: https://github.com/rm-hull/OPi.GPIO