- Open VRM - Open Vendor Risk Management Initiative

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Vendors 1. Click the Button Below 2. Fill Subscription Form 3. Receive Credentials 4. Fill 50-Question Questionnaire 5. Upload Evidence Documentation 6. Manage your Client Access Requests Join Vendor Directory Clients 1. Click the Button Below 2. Fill Subscription Form 3. Receive Credentials 4. Select your Vendors 5. Request Access to Vendor Package 6. Evaluate Vendor Risk Select & Manage Vendors How Open VRM Works Simple Steps to Ease Vendor Risk Management the trickle-down effect The need for a standard i

Vendors spend over 15,000 hours per year answering security assessments and companies spend $2.1 million annually, on average, vetting these answers. Read The Solution A unique and free platform to allow Vendors and their Clients to better communicate and manage the due diligence process of vendor risk management. The Power of Open VRM Compliance-Driven Way to Identify & Manage Supplier Risks Home Offices, Agencies, Branches & Advisors Easily manage vendor cyber risk Invite Third-Party Vendors to a secure p

Collaborate, manage and share your vendor cyber package with multiple clients in one location so they can access it upon your approval.

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