- rasdaman

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rasdaman (" ras ter da ta man ager") allows management and analytics of massive multi-dimensional ​ arrays (" ​ datacubes ") such as sensor, image, simulation, and statistics data appearing in domains like Earth, Space, and Life sciences; in particular its flexibility, performance, scalability, and open standards support make rasdaman stand out. From simple geo imagery services up to complex analytics, rasdaman provides the whole spectrum of functionality on spatio-temporal raster data - on space and time,

Wanna try? It's easy! Just go to the ​ datacube playground . Or download readily configured VMs, RPMs, or - of course - the source code. For each step, there is ​ ample documentation available, as well as ​ professional support , including dedicated ​ mailing lists gathering more than 300 members as of 2019. And then, we so much appreciate that you cite rasdaman with its DOI ​ !

Worldwide Recognition . Independent experts unanimously attested that, based on "proven evidence", rasdaman "significantly transforms the way scientists access and use data in a way that hitherto was not possible". A sustained ​ series of international innovation awards recognizes rasdaman's lead in datacube analytics services. US CIO Review ​ has picked rasdaman into their ​ Most Promising Big Data Technologies . rasdaman is official OGC WCS Reference Implementation and ​ listed in the GEOSS Component and