ontarioregenerativefarms.com - Kirkview Farms – Regenerative organic agriculture, a holistic systems approach to raisin animals.

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Our goal is to raise and grow our products in a manner that improves our resources, not depletes them.

We were regenerative when regenerative wasn't cool!!  Our journey transitioning to a regenerative organic agro-ecosystem has been challenging, but we love it.  Our grandfather always said, "If you love what you do for a living, you will never work a day in your life!"  When we took over the stewardship of this land, we were originally planning on converting our farm to a "sustainable agriculture" model.  However our research showed the term "sustainable agriculture" is being taken over by the industrial far

How do we do that?  We regenerate. We create a model that strives to reduce its dependency on outside inputs. Why not create a model that enhances natural resources instead of depleting them? Based on the 6 Principles of Regenerative Agriculture, and utilizing permaculture design principles, we are in the process of converting our farm over to a regenerative model that will not only create a better life for us, but for our animals and for our community.  Want to know more about what this type of production