onsbs.com - On Shaken Baby | Shaken: A Diagnosis on Trial

Description: Shaken: A Diagnosis on Trial Welcome to my web site on shaken baby syndrome (SBS), now known as abusive head trauma (AHT). The subject is both tragic and unsettling, in more ways than one. First, I must make clear that child abuse is a real problem:  People do punch, slam, shake, and throw their children,…

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Welcome to Sue Luttner’s web site on shaken baby syndrome (SBS), now known as abusive head trauma (AHT). The subject is both tragic and unsettling, in more ways than one.

First, I must make clear that child abuse is a real problem:  People do punch, slam, shake, and throw their children, with devastating results.

That said, two decades of research have convinced me that well-intentioned child-abuse experts working with a flawed model of a complex physiological condition are tearing apart benign families and sending innocent people to prison in astonishing numbers.

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