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Agkistrodon piscivorus is a venomous snake , a species of pit viper , found in the southeastern United States . Adults are large and capable of delivering a painful and potentially fatal bite. When antagonized, they will stand their ground by coiling their bodies and displaying their fangs. Although their aggression has been exaggerated, individuals may bite when feeling threatened or being handled. This is the world's only semiaquatic viper, usually found in or near water, particularly in slow-moving and s

The generic name is derived from the Greek words ancistro (hooked) and odon (tooth), and the specific name comes from the Latin piscis (fish) and voro (to eat); thus, the scientific name translates into “hooked-tooth fish-eater”. Common names include variants on water moccasin , swamp moccasin , black moccasin , cottonmouth , gapper , or simply viper . Many of the common names refer to the threat display, where this species will often stand its ground and gape at an intruder, exposing the white lining of it

Coordinates : 2°52′48″S 23°39′22″E  /  2.88°S 23.656°E  / -2.88; 23.656