- There's always room for one more…

Description: There's always room for one more...

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July was defined by drama in my personal and professional life, resulting in less reading and reviewing and more internal screaming than I like. I lost a neighbour, nearly lost a family member (twice), had my car stolen, and have decided to change jobs after some internal restructuring. And that’s just me directly, with further woes afflicting loved ones. It’s been a lot.

Top Ten Tuesday  was created by  The Broke and the Bookish , and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl . It’s all about books, lists and sharing the love we have of both with our bookish friends. This week we’re considering books we chose not to finish – and why.

This year’s Subjective Chaos Kind of Awards have focused on our core categories after last year’s birthday extravaganza, nut posed our panellists as much heartache as ever in trying to choose between the excellent shortlists to find our finalists. After much reading and deliberation, we’re ready to announce our final two in each category!

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