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Description: The ultimate goal of Omni Akuatika is to perform maximum exchange of research works between Indonesian and world-wide scientists. OmniAkuatika is a scholarly refereed research journal which aims to promote the theory and practice, innovation, engineering and management as well as social-economic relevant in fisheries and marine sciences fields. The main aspects of research areas include, but are not exclusive to the current research on cells, organisms, populations, ecosystems, or processes that affect aqua

aquatic (183) omniakuatika (1) omniaquatica (1) universitas jenderal soedirman (1) dr. agung dhamar syakti (1) jurnal perikanan dan kelautan (1) jpk unsoed (1) marines and fisheries sciences journal (1) marine pollution and bioremediation (1) fish reproductive biology (1)

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Dear Omni-Akuatika contributors and readers

We are pleased to announce that we have now been accredited for 5 years by the Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening, Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Republic of Indonesia as stipulated from its decree No. 36a/E/KPT/2016 .  This is an important milestone in the continuing growth and success of Omni-Akuatika.

Accreditation shows our commitment to provide our best performance to promote the theory and practice, innovation, engineering and management as well as social-economic relevant in fisheries and marine sciences fields. Accreditation by  RISTEKDIKTI is proof of this commitment, and signifies that we have met the rigorous standards of a nationally scientific journal.