ollsinherbalism.com - Don Ollsin's Community

Description: Our mission is to embrace a Systems and Process-Oriented approach to life while learning how to be aware of the dreaming field and its emergence.

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We exist to create a place - (Dreammaker’s Herbal Community) where students can plant their dreams (learning and healing dreams) and together we can nourish our dreams (through courses, mentoring and community) so that they can grow roots, become established and.thrive. We can heal ourselves, others, our community and the world.

The change we want to see in the world is that herbs, herbal medicine and good sound herbal advice from a system point of view is easily accessible because Dreammaker’s Herbal Community has trained a whole new generation of systems oriented, consciously aware herbalists who have infiltrated the world with innovative ways of sharing their herbal knowledge and practice while being rewarded generously for it.

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