ohipl.org - Ohioans for Sustainable Change

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We are a statewide organization who fights for climate, racial, economic, and environmental justice at the intersection of our faith.

Our mission is to organize, engage, and center the voices of directly impacted people of diverse beliefs. We build with faith and community leaders on the issues of climate, racial, economic, and environmental justice and health equity. We use public and popular education, leadership training and development, direct action, and advocacy to create long-term sustainable change.

Using the tools of education networking energy stewardship and public policy engagement, OFSC is a catalyst helping individuals and congregations grow in their response to climate change and to ally with like-minded individuals and groups. OFSC ’s ultimate goal is to arouse and equip the best talents of Ohio’s religious community to overcome the preeminent moral challenge of our time!

Links to ohipl.org (4)