ofirventura.com - Ofir Ventura | Business

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Ofir is passionate about the work he does, and he is always interested in finding new opportunities to expand his business empire and venture into new markets. One of the most exciting aspects of the business world for Ofir is the opportunity to learn about the inner workings of different industries, especially when they are not common knowledge. Currently, Ofir owns several businesses in the food and beverage industry, real estate industry, and financial services industry, as well as poker rooms. Ofir enjo

Aside from his work as a business owner, Ofir Ventura is also a lawyer that specializes in several different areas. One that he is particularly interested in is MMA contracts. Ofir has had a strong interest in MMA and Jiu Jitsu for many years, and he realized that he could combine his love of the sport with his drive as a lawyer, leading him to successfully write up contracts for MMA fighters, acting in an agent’s capacity. Apart from this niche, he also works on personal injury law, class action lawsuits,

Ofir Ventura also has a strong interest in the real estate market beyond the legal side. Ofir has an interest in commercial real estate, specifically looking to the future of the commercial market. With major changes happening in the commercial real estate world, Ofir is curious to see how that will impact office spaces in the future. He plans to keep tabs on it and get involved in real estate ventures whenever he finds an opportunity that sounds innovative and worthwhile.

Links to ofirventura.com (2)