ofgenderandgaming.com - Of Gender and Gaming

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Nov 5, 2019

The issue regarding gender representation has become prevalent in recent year and gaming companies have come up with solutions to make it work in their favor. Game Developers are creating games that are appealing to all different kinds of gamers to make the most profit and to show they are inclusive. This type of action isn’t bad it allows for games like RPGs to become more available to a wider audience and it allows gamers of different genders to participate in the gaming community. However, Game Developer

Many game developers created web pages on their sites that show how progressive their company is.  The four greats examples are well-known gaming companies Electronic Arts , BioWare , Bethesda Game Studios , and Arkane Studios create large quantities of games that suppose to be appealing to all kinds of gamers without checking the quality of their games. Angela M. Hass discusses in her work “Toward a Digital Cultural Rhetoric” how the five rules of rhetoric – Invention, Arrangement, Style, Memory, and Deliv