observatoryforhumanrights.org - The Official Website of the No Agenda Observatory for Human Rights

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What started as a simple conversation between friends has now become one of the most intriguing alternative news sources on the Web. No Agenda began simply enough, in late 2007, as an unscripted, unrehearsed and unedited dialog between MEVIO President and Co-Founder Adam Curry, and MEVIO VP John C. Dvorak. Sometimes recorded over a meal, sometimes over the Net, their premise was to create a stripped-down show with “no sponsors, no jingles and no agenda.” Initially they talked about the news of the day, tech

“Crackpot” (Curry) and “Buzzkill” (Dvorak) focus on stories that you might not hear about otherwise, from sometimes opposing, but always complementary, points of view - with Curry playing the outlandish conspiracy theorist and Dvorak the hard-nosed pragmatist - though surprisingly they sometimes switch roles depending on the topic.

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