obamarifix.com - Beth Arnold

Description: I'm an American in Paris-a writer/journalist/columnist/blogger at Salon.com, Vogue at Style.com, HuffPo, & more. I've written books, screenplays, and for magazines you have read. It was my dream to live in France my entire adult life until I finally made it happen 6+ years ago. How? Doesn't hurt if you're a little nuts and raring to go. Stuff happened, though not necessarily in this order: My younger daughter graduated from high school and left for college. My husband was writing a book. My mother droppe

travel (19974) france (7673) paris (7632) culture (6050) politics (4030) style (3540) global perspective (6) expatriot (4) huffington post blogger huffington post columnist

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By Beth Arnold

WHEN I THINK of the flap copy for the book I’m about to go off to write, these are the first words that come to my mind: