oakisland-game.com - The Mystery of Oak Island

Description: Thrilling adventure game with challenging puzzles and 3 playable characters.

Example domain paragraphs

The Game Media News Oak Island Order Contact EN DE EN FR Some treasures are best left buried! Pre-Order here The Game Plot James Watson is on his way to a press conference in halifax when his navigation system dies, causing him to go off road and get into an accident, not far from Oak Island. While chatting with the locals, James learns about the myth of Oak Island, a recent string of strange tremors, and of an urban legend surrounding an infamous treasure, steeped in mystery and misery, that was buried som

The work on the game has of course progressed further and we were able to achieve a lot. At some points, however, we also had to take a significant step back and reorganize ourselves.

Rough water, wind and storm... for weeks. We can be lucky, that our boat is still intact... well, more or less. We are happy that we are attracting more and more great voice actors and supporters of different kind. Let's take a closer look what happened in the area of voice recordings recently.

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