oak-wood.co.uk - Note to self | Keeping track of the stuff in my head

Description: A random collection of musings on life, the universe, technology, politics and other stuff by Chris Hastie

politics (4030) cancer (3297) technical (1267) scripts (660) prostate cancer (231) prostate (180) chris hastie (3)

Example domain paragraphs

I haven’t baked this recipe for a long time as I’m no longer vegan, but it satisfied my passion for fruit cake for many years. It’s a rich, dark fruit cake and as long as you choose your marg and stout carefully it’s vegan.

Sieve the flour and mixed spice together. Blend the bicarbonate of soda with the 4tbs of soya milk. Mix all the ingredients and beat in a bowl. Poor into a suitable cake tin and bake at gas mark 3, 160°C or 320°F for 2-2½ hours.

This is an article I wrote for The Conversation . You can read the original article here.

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