- National Union of Public Service & Allied Workers – Fighting for a living and just wages for all

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The National Union of Public Service and Allied workers (NUPSAW) is a union established in August 1998 in terms of the Labor Relations Act, 1995. Our scope of operation is in both the Public Service and Private Sector in the entire RSA with our Head Office situated at SUCCESS MATAITSANE Continue Reading

    The National Union of Public Service and Allied workers (NUPSAW) is a union established in August 1998 in terms of the Labor Relations Act, 1995. Our scope of operation is in both the Public Service and Private Sector in the entire RSA with our Head Office situated at Continue Reading

    NUPSAW is a Union established in August 1998 in terms of the Labour Relations Act, 1995. Our scope of operation is in both the Public Service and Private Sector in the entire RSA, with our Head Office situated at Success Mataitsane House, 17 Iris Street, Heatherdale, Akasia, Pretoria Continue Reading