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On 8 October, the Deputy Prime Minister for the Reintegration of the Republic of Moldova, Mr Vladislav Kulminski accompanied by the Head of the Bureau for Reintegration Policies, Mr Alin Gvidiani, and the Consul of the Republic of Moldova in Odesa, Mr Ion Ciorniy paid a visit to the EUBAM HQ in Odesa. \\r\\n The Head of Mission, Mr Slawomir Pichor, briefed the guests on the EUBAM\u2019s mandate and work on the ground. In his turn, the Deputy Prime Minister informed EUBAM about the most recent developments i

欧洲运输联盟拟订和倡导基希讷乌和蒂拉斯波尔之间在运输方面的技术建立信任措施, 海关, 兽医和植物检疫, 以及执法问题. 特派团一贯主张重新开放穿越德涅斯特河沿岸的国际运输走廊. 事实上, in 2012, 欧洲铁路运输协会的提议帮助重新开放了暂停了六年的德涅斯特河沿岸铁路货运. 阿格涅斯卡Wawrzyk, 德涅斯特河沿岸定居点办公室组长, 解释特派团如何试图在基希讷乌和蒂拉斯波尔之间建立合作. = qu8cAGFw3H8