nthcommunity.readthedocs.io - nthcommunity — nthcommunity 1.0.0 documentation

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Open-source Python library that allows developers to leverage the nth.community service platform and API to implement secure, privacy-preserving data collaborations within their web services and applications.

This library is a client-side component and Python API for the nth.community secure, privacy-preserving data collaboration service platform. Together, this library and the nth.community service platform make it possible to define and execute data workflows (called collaborations ) that operate on encrypted input data without decrypting it.

This open-source library supports a very limited set of input data types (non-negative 32-bit integers and single-column tables of strings) and operations (intersection of tables, row count of an intersection of tables, and summation of integers). The secure data collaboration workflows enabled by nth.community protect contributor inputs by relying on secure multi-party computation protocols, including private set intersection (via the oblivious library) and additive secret sharing (via the additive library

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