nswebdizajn.com - Gardening – The Best Tips for Home Gardeners

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Healthy food that we eat the most is usually expensive, yet ironically, it is food that is so simple to grow. Instead of going to grocery shop to buy veggies from who knows where and treated with who knows what, wouldn’t it be better to pick some fresh celery and tomatoes right from your balcony? Not to mention the numerous possibilities if you happen to have a backyard. Even those who live in a small apartment can grow some of the lovely herbs that will spice up any meal. Good will is all you need to start

Next time you enjoy eating a juicy tomato, remember to save seeds, wash them and dry them well. Plant seeds in the seeds starting trays and make sure to plant them in a potting mix. Water the soil and keep it in a warm place until you notice any growth. If you plan to move the plants outdoors, make sure the seeds are few inches high. You can grow tomato indoors too, as long as you provide enough sun and space for the plants.

Any leftover seeds from peppers will do the trick if you plant them properly. Germinating pepper seeds may seem challenging, but once they sprout, consider it done since peppers are easy maintenance plants. Plant the seeds in potting soil and make sure to expose them to direct sunlight. If it is a warm season, you can move them and plant them in the garden. Peppers grow relatively fast, so you can expect the first crop in about three months.

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