- Northern Rivers Vaccination Supporters | Love . Protect . Vaccinate

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*we are currently in the process of updating this website with information about Covid and Covid vaccines – please look at our Facebook page for regular updates, or refer to the WHO, government authorised information pages, or resources as recommended here for more information*

We are a group of parents, locals, and health care providers trying to reduce the risk of preventable disease in our community.

The members of our group include parents, and grandparents. Some are health care providers. Most are local to northern NSW in Australia. We come from all walks of life. Some of us have had first hand experience of the diseases we are trying to prevent; we have had them, our kids have had them, and we have cared for patients with them. Others have been involved on the frontline fighting to save lives and prevent disease, both here in Australia, and overseas. We know only too well the true horrors of how awfu