- Katharine Norman – composer, writer, sound artist

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Katharine Norman ‘s music and sound art for instruments and digital resources is frequently inspired by people’s experience of place and landscape. She has also written and published extensively on soundscape and place, as well as producing experimental digital fiction and non-fiction.

Her more recent performance works explore interactive image, text and sound. They include  Making Place , commissioned by pianist Kate Halsall, A walk I do , for Carla Rees; and  Paul’s Walk , for Paul Roe. Other works are for sound, performance and feature her speaking her own texts. For instance, Fuga Interna (begin) , for piano and digital sound is based on her memories of learning piano and her mother’s Alzheimer’s disease. It has been performed widely, in particular by Xenia Pestova.

Her publications on sound and art are often literary or experimental in nature and include Sounding Art , an experimental book on digital music and aesthetics (Ashgate/Routledge) and a number of book chapters and essays in various collections. As a creative writer, her digital fiction and non-fiction have featured in various festivals, publications and conferences.  Window (for John Cage) , an interactive ‘sound-essay’, won the 2012 New Media Writing Prize.

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