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It’s been quite a year, hasn’t it? As this year draws to a close, I’d be remiss not to reflect on all God has done for us. Bigger kiddos, a new home, and a busy summer schedule, followed by a hard adjustment to school for all of us – well, writing for an audience had to take the back burner. I’ve been showing up for three people who need me, while trying to keep my own tank full, and as you know, that can be quite the challenge. But I regret staying away so long. Partially out of fear that I’d say the wrong

I’m curious where you find yourself – in your heart, your home, and with your people. What’s going on in your soul? Are you tired, refreshed, excited – or just DONE and ready for a new season? Thinking back on what we’ve collectively survived this last year and a half – well, I’m sure there’s an element of all those things rolling around inside of you. How was the conversation around your Thanksgiving table, and how is your inner conversation? Is there understanding, or strife? I have to admit, I’m wrestlin

Finally, may I leave with you an encouragement as you prepare your hearts and homes for the upcoming Christmas holiday. This time of year can bring such mixed emotions; I know this all too well. This weekend marks the anniversary of my miscarriage, and it will always be a tender spot for me. Seven years ago, we were searching for ministry jobs, had moved cross-country, lost Paul’s mother, and with a positive pregnancy test, we finally thought there would be some happy news. Two days later, I walked through