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Northstar Canoes has a clear direction. Guided by renowned canoe builder Ted Bell, we’re focused on crafting exceptional canoes for experienced paddlers. But even a novice can paddle one – they’re designed to make you a better canoeist. And before too long, you’ll be discoursing about your appreciation of the elliptical cross-section, soft chines and constant flare.

There are hundreds of seemingly small design details in every canoe we build. But the truth is, there are no small details. Between designer David Yost, and Ted Bell, every square inch has been discussed in painstaking, excruciating, mind-numbing detail. From bow to stern, everything has its purpose.

During a long day of paddling and portages, every pound matters. Lucky for you, Ted and his crew are obsessed with wringing every last unnecessary ounce out of our designs. Their expertise with Kevlar, Carbon Fiber, and Innegra means every canoe is not only extremely light, but beautiful and durable too.

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