- Nonprofit Employees United (NEU) - A Union of Nonprofit Employees

Description: We are a union of direct service, advocacy, and legal professionals who have joined together to improve our nonprofit workplaces. Join our union.

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This May Day, members of 34 OPEIU-represented nonprofit organizations are speaking up for worker rights. Click below to read their joint letter on International Workers’ Day.

On this May Day, the OPEIU members of Nonprofit Employees United (NEU) stand in solidarity with workers across the world fighting for collective bargaining rights and call for an end to employer-driven delay tactics during union contract negotiations. Started as a general strike and then a commemoration for the bloody Haymarket affair, International Workers’ Day is remembrance and a call for action. As nonprofit workers throughout this country, we know our fellow comrades work tirelessly to advance their re

For far too long our bosses have told us our work at our respective nonprofits is a reward in and of itself. These same management meanwhile pay themselves a generous paycheck. We are told “we are a family” but families do not treat their members this way–even once they’ve won their unions and begin negotiations.