- Persuasion Engineering®

Description: Persuasion Engineering is an NLP application for sales training and business excellence. With neuro-linguistic programming at the forefront of human development technologies for businesses, Richard Bandler and John La Valle created a premier workshop that has been successful internationally for the past 20 years.

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In the early nineties, Richard Bandler created Design Human Engineering®  as the next step in the evolution of NLP. Design Human Engineering® is Richard's process on how people can engineer their brain to perform at the highest level possible. Persuasion Engineering® built upon this knowledge and was later initiated after further models were developed. Among the many models that make up Persuasion Engineering®, Patterns of Persuasion™ and John La Valle's best kept consulting strategies contribute to the pro

We stay current and up-to-date with the latest discoveries in the field of human development. In addition, we are passionate about helping you develop your skills and techniques as you progress through our program. Is there anyone better to learn NLP from than Richard Bandler himself?!

This Persuasion Engineering® workshop is staffed with some of Richard's most talented trainers and everyone involved over the three day period is fully dedicated to your success.