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Menu Home About Blog Workshops & Events Shop Contact Professional Development Weave: Huddersfield wins micro-grant Weave: Huddersfield wins micro-grant Featured nicolatwynham Leave a comment I am very happy to announce that on Wednesday 18 th April 2018 I trundled down to Café Ollo (The Media Centre, Huddersfield) with my display, my speech and a tummy of butterflies to present my pitch to the Huddersfield Soup event. I have lived in Huddersfield for two years now and the town has completely stolen my heart

The focus for this project will be the creation of large weaving looms which we will make to work with the public, existing community groups and other organisations to create large public weavings made up of fabric and materials that are donated. We will capture the stories of the people that participate over 2018 and in 2019 we will tell the stories around the town and exhibit the created works. The project will culminate in a festival in May 2019. We are currently building relationships to support this pr

So, four pitches, four minutes, followed by four questions. It was stiff competition. I was so happy to be the fantastic work and good will in Huddersfield. I was very nervous but loved the interaction with the people at the event. I made several fantastic connections and look forward to working together moving forwards. I am also happy to announce that I won! The micro-grant was made up of the audience’s admission donations and 10% of the bar takings through the evening and now me and my colleagues are mak

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