- Nick Wilford, Speculative Author

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Time for our monthly meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group!  Hosted as ever by  Alex J. Cavanaugh , the aim of the group is to offer a safe space where writers can share doubts and insecurities without fear of being judged. This month's co-hosts are  Patricia Josephine ,  Deidre Knight ,  Olga Godim ,  J. Lenni Dorner  and  Cathrina Constantine .

I know many of you will have been here, or are here. Grateful for any and all advice. I'm in a privileged position, and this isn't meant to be a whine. But I guess what I'm learning is there's no point or nothing that can happen that would make writing "easier" or less of an effort. But it's never meant to be easy, or ultimately the reward wouldn't be as good.

To find more posts for the IWSG, check out the list  here !

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