- Barnsley Crafter

Example domain paragraphs

Hello Everyone, Great news that the fund has reached 35%, so a huge thank you to every single one of you, I really do appreciate your support. 

There are limits on the amount of words you can add on Just giving, so it’s impossible to include every single detail, it has to be condensed. On a comment yesterday, I was questioned about the fund and my circumstances. I wanted to be crystal clear about the amount I am trying to raise and why. If there’s anything missing that I should have added, I will be more than happy to add it.

I need a machine that will produce 6 litres of Oxygen. To make the machine as light as possible It takes the regular air, filters it, removes the nitrogen, other gases and concentrates the Oxygen for me to breathe. There are no tanks at all, no Oxygen, just filters, that is a very simple explanation. I will need to run this on the highest setting, to get the amount I need, which will reduce the battery significantly, giving only an hour or so.