- NFTeeth - The NFTeeth Project

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zorg (783) gezondheid (717) dienstverlening (318)

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The Introduction My name is Jeffrey Hinfelaar and I am a (pediatric) dentist. The aim of this project is to make digital dental art by making individual oral scans of individuals and modifying them with visual effects, after which they will be minted as an NFT on the Etherium's leading layer one protocol: Polygon, simply because the gas-fees on the Etherium blockchain would be more than the initial selling price of a NFTeeth. Participants will be able to buy and sell the NFT's on for 0.01 Etheriu

  The motivation

As a dentist I´ve always been fascinated by the uniqueness of every mouth and the story it tells. Inspired by the newest technologies, I've became more and more aware of the possibilities NFT´s have to offer. In the previous years I´ve bought some NFT´s myself and I became a participant in several DEFI projects as well, after HODLing some cryptocurrencies, like Polygon (Matic), for a couple of years now.