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Josh Allen has No Comment on dating rumors. He reportedly vacationed with actress Hailee Steinfeld in Mexico over the Fourth of July. This amid his apparent breakup with longtime girlfriend Brittany Williams. The Bills Mafia is in an uproar over these developments. Respecting their need for privacy, we wish them happiness as 1BUFFALO.

The Bills are in Intersession. They are between mini camp and training camp. They are enjoying the summer sun before the grind begins. This may well be the year that we reach the Super Bowl. The roster abounds with Championship talent. Looking to go all the way, we savor the dog days as 1BUFFALO.

The Editors wish all our Readers and their families a Happy Fourth of July. Today we celebrate our Independence from the British crown. We commemorate the God given Blessings of freedom and liberty. Extending Holiday greetings to all, we observe the Glorious Fourth as 1BUFFALO.