- NewtonScript

Example domain paragraphs

NewtonScript is an object-oriented programming language developed by Walter Smith for Apple for the Newton OS running on their MessagePad & eMate hardware. It borrows concepts from the Smalltalk, LISP, and Self programming languages with special consideration for a low memory footprint (esp. differential inheritance). In 2003 a NewtonScript interpreter, NEWT/0 was developed by Makoto Nukui allowing for its use on other platforms.

For assistance with programming in the NewtonScript language beyond the documentation provided here, it is suggested that you join the Slack team ( get an invite ), join the #newtonscript channel on , tag a question with the 'newtonscript' tag on , or post to the NewtonTalk mailing list .

An alternate button bar, hierarchical menu, and scripting system (using NewtonScript) for Newton OS. Source available on GitHub .

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