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Playing poker is an interesting game, but some tips can make it more interesting, and as a warning, it will help you understand the opponent, which cards he has, and their next step. If you are a poker player, you definitely understand that the game depends not only on skills and luck in the draw. A good poker player is always trying to learn or get tips from other players. This helps them test the strength or weakness of their opponent.

During the game, try to read lips, and carefully listen to their usual conversations.

You can also check how they hold their cards or move them, eye contact and how they look at other players, or how they randomly shuffle their chips. Every time you play poker, you should notice two things that mean level or mental pressure, nervousness or coldness of the player. The first thing you need to understand the movement, such as changing cards, checking the movement forward or backward in a chair and changing game models. Here are tips that professional poker players follow, and they help them bet