- About Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence | Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence

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Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence is an open access and transparently peer-reviewed research journal covering a wide range of topics related to neurosymbolic AI.

In the field of artificial intelligence (AI), recent advances in deep learning and big data have resulted in artificial neural networks attaining industrial relevance in a wide range of applications. Neural networks are now the state-of-the-art in language modeling, speech and image classification, sensor data and graph analytics, time series forecasting, and many more tasks requiring the processing of unstructured large data. By contrast, symbolic AI relies on the formalization of knowledge bases and rule-

Neurosymbolic AI is an emerging field of AI aiming to build rich computational AI models, systems and applications by combining neural and symbolic learning and reasoning. It seeks to combine the complementary strengths of neural and symbolic AI while overcoming their respective weaknesses, either in the form of principled integration between both paradigms and forms of representation or in the form of hybrid systems combining neural and symbolic components in one architecture.

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