- Yeshua Centered Judaism

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A yid makes a נדר as a סיג לתורה. The שלה הקדוש says the reason we need to come on to סייג, is because of סיגים, impurities, sediment due to our חטאים, especially חטא העגל which brought back the זוהמת הנחש. The root of סייג and סיג is סג, which equals sixty three, the number…

AND MOSES TOLD THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL [ACCORDING TO ALL THAT THE ETERNAL COMMANDED MOSES]. “‘This is [stated] in order to separate the subject [of the offerings from that of the following chapter, dealing with vows and oaths].’ These are the words of Rabbi Yishmael. [The meaning thereof is as follows:] Since up till this…

פינחס בס”ד In ירמיהו it says ותרד פלאים concerning the חורבן, where Rashi says that all were amazed at the downfall of י”ם, and the destruction of the בהמ”ק. If someone sees פינחס in a dream, many פלאים will happen to him חודש תמוז=771=ותרד פלאים – פלא is כתר, the אלף of אנכי The Torah…

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